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By Sammeni Kamsobbi

 Adamawa State Government has Inaugurated its Palliatives Coordination and Distribution Committee with a call on them to be just and fair in discharging their duties.

The Inauguration of the twenty man Parliatives Committee by the Acting Governor Professor Kaletapwa Farauta took place at the Government House Conference Hall, Yola. Wednesday 23rd August, 2023.

The Committee headed by the Secretary to the State Government Dr. Auwal D. Tukur consist of people of timber and Calibre and are expected to see how best the Parliatives will be eqitably distributed to the citizens.

The Acting Governor, said as people of integrity, they should consider their selection and Inauguration as a call to service.

She urged members of the committee to face the task enthrusted them with high sense of commitment and dedication, thereby ensuring free, fair, just and transparent exercise to justify the confidence reposed in them.

Among the terms of reference is to work out necessary modalities for the transportation of the parliatives both food and non food items from the source to the distribution point among others.

Responding, the Chairman of the twenty man  Parliatives Committee Barr. Auwal Tukur thanked Governor Fintiri for finding them worthy of the assignment, promising to do the best they can to justify bestowed on them.

The Hama Bachama Dr. Daniel Ismaila Shaga, Amna Shelleng, two members of the State and National Assembly, CAN and Muslim Council representatives, NUJ, NLC, TUC, ADSEMA amongst others form the members of the twenty man Parliatives Committee.

Aside the Inauguration of the Parlliative Committee, the newly appointed Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Baba Yola Toungo was also sworn-in at the Council Chambers. 

Farauta tasked him to uphold professionalism in carrying out his duties. She congratulated him on his appointment which according to Professor Farauta is well deserved.

Responding, Baba Yola Toungo appreciated the Fresh Air Government for the appointment. He promised to deliver on the task given him by working towards advancing the good ideals of the present administration.

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