Welcome To The Official Blog Of Adamawa Ministry Of Information

By  Zaliha Hammanjoda Fari

The Hon Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social development, Mrs. Wunfe B Anthony was on tour to the Units under the Ministry on Thursday 7th of September 2023. She was accompanied by the Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Saso Benson Ali and the Directors of the Ministry.

Her first point of call was the Orphanage which is well known as the Children's home where she was received by the  workers and went round to see the orphans and  the facilities.

The next facility visited was the Remand Home, a rehabilitation centre for the juvenile. She met the children one after the other and had interview with them. She emphasized on giving them vocational skills and training to make them useful to the society.

At the centre for the physically challenged formerly called Blind Work Shop, she  met different clusters of the physically challenged and highlighted the need for them to have training and vocational skills.

Similarly, she met victims of Gender Based Violence GVB at the Hope Centre, Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARCK)  and promised to support them both medical, psychological and legally from the Ministry.

Finally she was received at the One Top Centre, also known as Women Development Centre. Thus, all rounds service providers for the GBV victims under the Ministry.

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