Welcome To The Official Blog Of Adamawa Ministry Of Information

By Daniel Zamdayu

The State Ministry of Information and Strategy has sendforth three of it's Staff who have retired recently. The retirees are; Mr. Vandu John who retired as Director Finance, Mrs Gloria Alex who retired as an Admin officer, and Mallam Modire  who retired as the Hon.Commissioner's Confidential Secretary.  The ceremony was held at the conference hall of the Ministry today.

The Director Administration of the Ministry in her remarks, appreciated their efforts and dedication  to service, especially in the years they worked with her and wished them the best in their journey ahead.

Goodwill messages were delivered by the new Ag.Director Finance and the Editor Adamawa daily report news, in which they both appreciated the retiree's on behalf of the entired staff for their diligence while in service and prayed for God's guidance in the new life they are starting.

Lastly the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry,  Mr Solomon Kumangar, appreciated the retiree's for the service they rendered to the State and the Ministry, especially the retired Director finance who served for 4years in the Ministry.

Mr Solomon added, that he saw in the good will messages and the faces of the staff that the retiree's will really be missed by their colleagues. The P.S also said the brotherliness we shared should continue, the retirees are not gone, they are only retired but not tired. He Prayed for God's blessings to go with them and wished them well on behalf of the Staff of the Ministry. 
The retirees were presented  with gifts by the Permanent Secretary Of the Ministry.


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