Welcome To The Official Blog Of Adamawa Ministry Of Information

 By Sammeni Kamsobbi

Adamawa State Government has resolved to embark on massive awareness campaign and evacuation of those living along the river Benue Valley as part of proactive measures ahead of the impending flood alert by Federal Government.

These are some of the resolutions reached at the Emergency Meeting with the Chairmen of the Twenty One Local Government Areas at the instance of the Acting Governor Professor Kaletapwa Farauta in the conference Hall, Government House Yola.

Adamawa is one of the States devasted by flood over the years, with those living along water ways mostly affected.

In regards to that, Federal Government has alerted States and relavant Government Agencies on the anticipated flood, mostly associated with the release of water from the Lagdo Dam by the Cameroonian Government.

The recent warning led to the Emergency Meeting held by the Twenty One Local Governments Chairmen in conjunction with ADSEMA at the instance of the Acting Governor Professor Kaletapwa Farauta,  draw a road map towards preventing the impacts of the anticipated flood.  

Briefing Newsmen shortly after the meeting, the State ALGON Chairman, Gidado Abdulsalam said the meeting became very important due to the recent flood alert.

He revealed that part of the proactive measures adopted by the purpose Government of Adamawa state is creating public sensitisation and educate the residents on the dangers of indiscriminate dumping of refuse in to water ways as well as evacuting those living alone the river banks to upper land among others safety measures.

The Chairman therefore, urged residents to ensure proper dumping of refuse for a safer and healthier environment.

Reports available indicates that through the Federal Government the Cameroonian authority has recently issued a statement that there will soon be release of water from the Lagdo-dam.

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