Welcome To The Official Blog Of Adamawa Ministry Of Information

By Rabi Manko 

Adamawa State Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning yesterday 22nd Feb. 2024 received warmly the amiable presence of the USAID Mission Director and her team on a confirmation visit to the country and Adamawa State in particular based on the impressive progress reports they have been receiving via their State2State team here in the State.

Mrs Melissa A. Jones expressed her delight in the leadership of the Ministry when she said,  "I am happy with your sincerity and openness" after listening to the Hon. Commissioner, Mr Emmanuel Pridimso talk about how USAID has helped the state to do so many things differently and achieving greater positive results. The State2State team has worked tirelessly with Ministries, Boards and Parastatals in the State and has successfully redirected the course of events positively.

Mrs Melissa A Jones did ask some critical questions, especially in the areas of Health, Education, Budget, WASH and how the stakeholders in the State have stepped in to ensure the projects put in place by USAID are successful.

Responding to Mrs Melissa's questions, stakeholders explained how their various Organizations have greatly improved and have recorded positive results in various areas because the State2State team has kept them on their toes through trainings on a regular basis, being a public finance management project.

The Debt Management Office has improved in Debt Management to the point of 3 Billion Naira being released by His Excellency to reduce the Debt of pensioners in the State. The Internally Generated Revenue has increased tremendously, as stated by the Director Revenue Department of the State Board of Internal Revenue. He further said that avenues are being created for other MDAs to generate more revenue in the State.

Adding to what the stakeholders said, the Honourable Commissioner  said USAID projects have gone a long way in changing the lives of Adamawa State citizens. He mentioned His Excellency's interest in all that State2State team have been doing in the State especially in the aspect of budget preparation i.e following closely through all stages,from preparation down to implementation. This interest saw to His Excellency being the Chief Budget Officer of the Budget presented last year i.e the 2024 Budget.

The meeting ended with both parties satisfied that indeed USAID Mission is not futile, this has placed Adamawa State in an enviable third position in the country and first in the northeast in Budget implementation in the year 2023, this wouldn't have been possible if the State2State team did not find a breeding ground in Adamawa State.

Mrs Melissa A. Jones thanked everyone in attendance and prayed that  the level of openness and transparency she has seen will remain even as USAID and Adamawa State work together for greater achievements.

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